
Students at Street Fair
Government for You

ASUO is made-up of students, representing and elected by their peers. From helping set the I-Fee and allocating funds for student groups, to providing resources for club leaders, we are here to support all UO students.



The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) strives to provide for the social, cultural, educational, and physical development of its members and for the advancement of their individual and collective interests both within the university and the community at large.

Branches of ASUO

The ASUO is structured into three branches, each with separate roles designated by the ASUO constitution. The ASUO Executive Branch consists of the ASUO Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President, and up to 24 appointed students who serve as Executive Cabinet Members. The Legislative Branch consists of a 24-member Student Senate and four Finance Committees with 7-12 student members each. The Constitution Court, a five-member body, makes up the Judicial Branch.

Budget Process

It's budget season! The Legislative Branch coordinates the collection of budget requests and corresponding hearings which constitute ASUO's budget process. Organizations currently funded by the Incidental Fee are encouraged to participate.

Annual Budget Process

ASUO’s 2024 Spring Term Election

Each spring ASUO members elect student officers to serve in leadership positions within the student government association through a campus-wide election. This event serves as an opportunity to gather input from the student body on initiatives and referenda that are significant to them.

The election polls closed at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, April 8. The results of the Spring Term Election are now available.

Many of the winners of the Spring Term Election were determined in the Runoff Election, which closed at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 11. Runoff Election results are now available.

Get Involved

The ASUO serves as a hub of student leadership and community engagement. There are hundreds of opportunities to engage with the ASUO from serving as an elected official, participating on a university committee, to sharing a common interest with an ASUO-Recognized Student Organization. The ASUO is committed to a culture of diverse opinions and expressions, teamwork, and collaborative leadership.

Student Org Support

Support and assistance is available to all student members and officers involved in one of ASUO's 200+ student organizations.

Contact ASUO

EMU Suite 004
1395 University Street
Eugene, OR 97403-2572




Student Organization Financial Support Email

ASUO Business Hours

  M   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
   T   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
  W   9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
TH   9:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
   F   9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Except university holidays, break periods, and building closures

Office Hours Schedule