ASUO Finance

Budget Support

ASUO Finance maintains ledgers for all student organizations funded by the I-Fee. Budget access is restricted to student officers. Individual student organizations may have up to seven different types of funds, each with different sources, purposes, and rules. ASUO Finance is available to walk you through specific budget questions or concerns.

Financial Resources for Student Organizations 

Off-cycle Fund Requests

Transactional Support

Request to Purchase Goods or Services

A request to purchase goods or services (PO) is a promise of payment from the university and is required for most student organization purchases. ASUO Finance coordinates the authorization of POs for student organization leaders upon request during business hours.

Request to Purchase Goods or Services Form

For more information on submitting a PO request, watch this video on ASUO Finance Common Rules, Regulations, and Processes created in fall 2020.

Online Purchases

Assistance is available for student organizations regarding online purchases and orders through a procurement system. Eligible purchases include membership fees, registration fees, dues, supplies and equipment. To arrange, student organization leaders should work with ASUO Finance for a PO and possible procurement (p-card) appointment. 

Personal Reimbursement

Individuals are advised against making purchases on behalf of a student organization with the intention of seeking repayment from ASUO for the expense as reimbursements are complex and not guaranteed. If you do wish to seek reimbursement, contact ASUO Finance prior to incurring costs in order to ensure you understand the risks. Personal reimbursements not filed within 30 days of purchase will be forfeited.

Internal Budget Transfers 

Money is allocated to student organizations for specific activities using categories of funding called line items. These line items are identified in each student organization’s ledger (available by request at ASUO Finance). Student organizations may work with ASUO Finance to transfer up to $500 between existing line items in their budget within a single term, provided this transfer does not decrease the organization’s overall programming allocation to an amount less than $500. Transfers outside of these parameters require the approval of Student Senate and the ASUO President and must adhere to the Surplus and Internal Transfer Request Process.

Surplus and Transfer Requests

Service Agreements

Whenever university funds are being exchanged for the service(s) of a vendor outside the university, a legal agreement must be created. Student organization leaders are not authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of the university and should instead consult with ASUO Finance well in advance of the creation of any agreements which require a signature. This includes services, performer/speaker/facilitator fees, certain rental reservations, and any time a student organization is asked to sign for deliverables in advance. Personal service contracts must be requested four to six weeks before the activity or event.

Service Agreements


Student organizations must use UO-affiliated centers for printing and publication unless otherwise authorized. Please reach out directly to UO Printing for a cost estimate before seeking a PO from ASUO Finance. 

Incidental Fee Budget

This page is a resource on ASUO's annual budget process and is intended to provide information for I-Fee funded and I-Fee decision makers (ASUO officers). ASUO Finance provides administrative support to ASUO officers and I-Fee funded units who interact with the Incidental Fee. Please bring your questions to ASUO Finance.

Financial Resources for Vendors

Vendor Resources