Purchasing Guide

This page is designed to help student leaders navigate the purchasing process as well as the methods by which ASUO-Recognized Student Organizations may work with Student Organization Financial Support to purchase goods and services from vendors.

What is a vendor? A person or company that supplies goods or services to customers.

The process for purchasing goods and services is different from the process for arranging travel and reservations. For travel-related expenditures and purchases tied to travel, visit our Travel and Lodging webpage.

How to Request the Purchase of Goods or Payment for Services

Student organization leaders who wish to request the purchase of goods or services must complete a Request to Purchase Goods or Services Form.

  • The requestor must be authorized to make budget expenditures on behalf of their student organization. Only individuals identified as officers within the organization’s Campus Labs/Engage platform are allowed to spend that organization’s funds or make financial requests on behalf of an organization.
  • To make a request, the requesting organization must have sufficient funds within a relevant line item of their budget to cover the total cost.
  • The requestor must include their student organization’s name, index number, and the name of the relevant budget line item from which the funds will be drawn. It is often helpful for a requestor to obtain a copy of their budget from Student Organization Financial Support before initiating a request form. Contact us at asuofinance@uoregon.edu.
  • The requestor will need all documentation regarding their proposed purchase, such as the name and address of the vendor, the precise goods being purchased or a detailed description of the service being provided, the total cost of the proposed purchase, and all supporting data such as an approved catering waiver and documentation that the event involving food was advertised at least seven days in advance.

Request to Purchase Goods or Services Form

Common Methods of Payment and Associated Timelines

ASUO-Recognized Student Organizations can request the purchase of goods and services through the following methods.

Method of Payment What is It? Student Organization Financial Support Processing Time
Internal Purchase Order A payment method by which funds are transferred directly from a student organization’s account to the account of a university service provider, such as UO Scheduling and Event Services or UO Catering. Five days
University Purchase Order “Long Form PO” A payment method by which a university-endorsed guarantee of payment is presented to a vendor* at the time of purchase. The vendor receives payment 30 days after the purchaser turns in their itemized receipt to Student Organization Financial Support.
*Vendor must have previously arranged to conduct business with the university via this method.
Five days (excluding advertising, production, and shipping time)
Electronic Purchase with Student Organization Financial Support Credit Card “P-Card” A purchase method by which payment is electronically transmitted to a vendor on behalf of a student organization by Student Organization Financial Support in advance of sale. Goods purchased via this method may be shipped. Seven days (excluding production and shipping time)
Co-Sponsorship Payment A payment method which allows a student organization to share the costs of an endeavor with another student organization or a university department. Co-sponsorship payments must be coupled with a method of purchase. Typically aligns with selected method of purchase, although delays may occur while the authorization of each organization is obtained
Service Agreement or Purchase Order for Service A purchase method by which the terms of a sale or a service are outlined and endorsed by the university and vendor in advance through a legally binding agreement. Payment is sent to the vendor within 30 days of student organization’s confirmation that the sale or the service were completed in accordance with terms. Six weeks (four weeks for service agreements which are less complex)
Personal Reimbursement A method by which a student organization member, having paid for an eligible item or goods out of their personal funds, provides an itemized receipt within 30 days of purchase and is reimbursed. Five days (excluding the process by which the recipient is set-up, and a check is disbursed, which can take 8–10 weeks)
Paying a University Affiliate (Student, Faculty Member, Staff) A payment method by which an individual who is currently affiliated with the university or who has been affiliated with the university within the past two years, as employees or students, may be compensated via the UO Payroll System for a service they provide. Six weeks, which involves student leader education, detailed communication with the university affiliate, navigation of the supplemental funding process, and the completion of several confidential employment forms.

Quick Guide to Selecting a Payment Method

Question: If Answer is Yes: If Answer is No:
1. Are you sharing the costs of the endeavor with another student organization or university department? Request a Co-Sponsorship and then proceed to Question 2 to identify the appropriate payment method Proceed to Question 2
2. Is the purchase from a vendor funded by the university, such as University Catering, UO Print Services, or Scheduling and Event Services? Request an Internal Purchase Order Proceed to Question 3
3. Is the total purchase more than $5,000? Request a Service Agreement Proceed to Question 4
4. Is the purchase from an online vendor or did the vendor provide you a link by which the purchase may be made online? Request an Electronic Purchase with the Student Organization Financial Support Credit Card Proceed to Question 5
5. Does the purchase involve an agreement for service from a non-university affiliate, such as a dance lesson from a Tango instructor, a climate presentation from an environmental advocate, a rental agreement, or the serving of prepared food from a local caterer? Note: individuals who have been affiliated with the university within the past two years are considered university affiliates. Request a Service Agreement Proceed to Question 6
6. Did a member of your student organization already make the purchase using their personal funds? Request a Personal Reimbursement within 30 days Proceed to Question 7
7. Is the purchase available for local pick-up or delivery from a commonly used vendor? Request a University Purchase Order Proceed to Question 8
8. Are you attempting to pay a university affiliate, such as a student, faculty, or staff member (or an individual who has been a university affiliate within the past two years)? Request to Pay a University Affiliate Proceed to Question 9
9. Your purchase is uncommon. Please contact Student Organization Financial Support for guidance.    


A Co-Sponsorship is a method by which two university-affiliated organizations may share the costs of an endeavor that aligns with the mission of both organizations. A Co-Sponsorship must be coupled with a method of payment. Less commonly, a Co-Sponsorship may also be utilized by a student organization to initiate payment to a second student organization or university-affiliated organization for one-time costs such as event access fees.

Factors to Consider:

  • A Co-Sponsorship must be coupled with a method of payment, such as a Purchase Order, an Electronic Purchase with P-Card, a Service Contract, or a Personal Reimbursement.
  • A Co-Sponsorship requires advance collaboration and agreement between two or more university-affiliated organizations.
    • Each organization sharing the cost must be university affiliated and have a university index.
    • The precise costs to be borne by each organization must be identified in advance.
    • In situations where more than one student organization is sharing costs, each organization must separately authorize the expenditure.
  • The turnaround time for a Co-Sponsorship aligns with the published turnaround time for the method of payment the Co-Sponsorship is coupled with.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • The highlights and challenges of a Co-Sponsorship generally align with the method of payment selected by the student organization.
  • A payment request coupled with a Co-Sponsorship can be delayed while the approval of an authorized financial decision maker from each organization is sought.

How It Works:

  1. A student organization leader, working with another student organization leader or a university department, identifies a collaborative endeavor which aligns with the mission of both organizations and determines how they wish to share the costs associated with the endeavor.
  2. The student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form and checks the Co-Sponsorship option. The requestor further identifies the name of each organization which is sharing the costs. If the collaboration involves another student organization:
    • The requestor must identify each organization’s Index Number and Line Item.
    • The requestor must identify the amount of the purchase that each organization will pay.
    • The requestor must provide the written authorization of a student leader with financial authority from each co-sponsoring student organization. The purchase will not proceed until the expenditure has been authorized by each organization contributing to the payment.
    • Only one Request to Purchase Form is necessary to initiate a payment which involves shared costs.
  3. Within the form, the requestor identifies the preferred method of payment. Supplementary financial documentation is added to the form, as is required for the preferred method of purchase.
  4. During the review process, Student Organization Financial Support confirms that each student organization identified as a collaborator has the written approval of an authorized financial decision-maker. The request will not proceed until the expenditure has been authorized by each contributing organization.
  5. Upon review and approval, Student Organization Financial Support provides the requestor with the instructions and documentation necessary for them to take the next steps regarding the purchase.

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Internal Purchase Order

An Internal Purchase Order is a method of payment by which a unique code is assigned which authorizes a fund transfer directly from a student organization’s account to the account of a university-affiliated service provider. Many University providers require student organizations to provide their unique Internal Purchase Order code in advance of service.

Factors to Consider:

  • Internal Purchase Order codes are only accepted by service providers who are funded by the university. Examples include:
    • University Scheduling and Event Services
    • University Catering
    • UO Print Services or Campus Copy
    • UO Mail Services
    • Physical Education and Recreation
  • There is generally a five-business-day turnaround for a request for an Internal Purchase Order to be processed into a unique Internal Purchase Order code once funds are available from a relevant line item within a student organization’s budget.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • An Internal Purchase Order is the most common payment method utilized by university service providers.
  • This purchase method ensures the purchaser does not bear a personal financial risk or require the purchaser to use their personal funds.
  • The student organization leader must obtain a service quote or invoice from the service provider in advance and follow up with the service provider upon receipt of a unique Internal Purchase Order code.

How It Works:

  1. A student organization leader contacts a university service provider and obtains a quote or an invoice from them in advance of service.
  2. The student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form. Upon review and approval, they receive a unique Internal Purchase Order code from Student Organization Financial Support via email.
  3. The student organization leader presents the Internal Purchase Order code to the university service provider. They may do this in person or via electronic communication.
  4. The service provider associates the Internal Purchase Order code with the service requested by the student organization. Upon completion of service, the university service provider coordinates a transfer of funds and identifies the Internal Purchase Order code as authorization.
  5. Funds are electronically transferred from the student organization’s account to the university service provider without further action by the student organization.

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Service Agreement or Purchase Order for Service

A Service Agreement is a purchase method by which the terms of a sale or a service are outlined and endorsed by the university and vendor well in advance of the sale or service, and the vendor receives payment after completion of service. Service Agreements are legally binding and can only be entered into with an individual or organization who/which is not affiliated with the university. Upon completion, the student organization confirms the completion of the sale or service in writing and the university sends payment to the vendor within 30 days. In rare circumstances, a vendor may be paid a portion of the costs in advance of service, but such a request requires the pre-approval of Student Organization Financial Support at least nine weeks in advance.

This process must be undertaken at least six weeks in advance of service and is used most often for speakers, performers, instructors, outside caterers, rental agreements, and other service providers. The university requires a Service Agreement for any financial transaction requiring a signature in advance of service. Students are not authorized to represent the university and should never sign financial agreements on behalf of their organization or the university.

Individuals who are currently or who have been affiliated with the university within the past two years, as employees or students, are considered university affiliates and may not be paid via a Service Agreement.

There are two types of Service Agreements common to student organizations:

  1. A Purchase Order for Service: a simplified service agreement commonly used by student organizations which lacks complexity and is therefore relatively quick to execute. Eligible services must take place on a single day, with vendor being paid a flat fee less than $5000 after service is completed. The service provider may not require their own agreement, contract, or performance rider to be authorized through this type of agreement. Turn-around: four weeks.
  2. A Service Agreement or Contract: a complex legal document which takes the longest to execute. This type of agreement is required for services occurring over more than one day, for services which exceed $5000, or for situations where the service provider requires their own agreement, contract, or performance rider to be authorized along with the Service Agreement. Turn-around: six weeks (sometimes four weeks).

Factors to Consider:

  • This purchase method is required for the following types of purchases:
    • Every purchase which is higher than $5,000.
    • Purchases which involve the completion of a service, such as an event speaker, a guest educator, a food caterer, a rental contract, and similar.
    • Purchases which require a representative of the university to agree by signature to the vendor’s terms in advance.
  • This purchase method is inflexible, requires extensive advance planning, and involves advance negotiation between the student organization leader and the vendor.
  • This purchase method is legally binding, as the terms of the Service Agreement are final.
    • Once signed by all parties, a Service Agreement cannot be changed without the agreement of all parties.
    • Under no circumstances may a vendor receive goods, gifts, pay, travel-related reservations, or prizes outside of the terms of the agreement.
    • All Service Agreements paid for using university funds will name the University of Oregon as the party representing the student organization.
  • University affiliates (faculty, staff, students) and the family members or friends of student organizations may not be paid via this purchase method.
  • A Service Agreement must be signed by both the university and the vendor in advance of the service being provided. In no situation may a Service Agreement be created for services performed in the past.
  • There is a six-week turnaround for a request for a Service Agreement to be processed into a draft Service Agreement once all documentation is received and funds are available from a relevant line item within a student organization’s budget. Some simplified agreements can be turned around in four weeks. Requests to arrange a Service Agreement with insufficient turn-around time will be denied.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • Payment via Service Agreement ensures the purchaser does not bear a personal financial risk or require the purchaser to use their personal funds.
  • This purchase method requires the six-week advance pre-identification of all terms of service or sale. For less complicated agreements, four weeks is sufficient. This includes:
    • A fully detailed statement of work which identifies any tasks, milestones, deliverables, and timelines with enough clarity for an independent third party to ascertain all parties' obligations without the need to go outside of the contract for clarification.
    • The precise dollar amount being paid to the vendor in exchange for the service or goods to be purchased. If travel and lodging costs are to be provided, the total amount payable to vendor must include the costs of travel. The vendor will bear responsibility for making their own travel reservations.
    • Confirmation that the vendor may be paid within 30 days of completion of service or sale.
    • If the vendor is not in the UO payment system, the vendor must complete and submit a UO Substitute W-9 Form. For non-resident service providers, a W-8BEN Form must be completed and submitted by the vendor. Instructions can be found on the ASUO website.
    • Vendor’s permanent address, phone number, and email address.
    • A copy of any agreement, contract, or performance rider provided by the vendor.
    • A completed Independent Contractor Certification Statement, if required to complete the agreement.
    • A copy of the vendor’s certificates of insurance, if required in the agreement.
    • An approved catering waiver if the requested service involves bringing food to campus.
  • Once a draft Service Agreement is created, the student organization leader must ensure it is accurate and take action to correct any errors, obtain the vendor’s electronic signature, and return it toStudent Organization Financial Support in advance of service.
  • This purchase method may be used to make purchases on site.
  • The vendor receives payment after the service or sale is complete. The student organization is responsible for verifying the completion of service or sale with Student Organization Financial Support. Upon receipt of confirmation, the university pays vendors by mailed check within 30 days.

How It Works:

  1. A student organization leader identifies a vendor with whom they wish to form an agreement to perform services or from whom they wish to make a purchase.
    • The student leader negotiates the terms of the agreement.
    • The student leader negotiates out any requirements to pay the vendor any portion of the costs in advance of service.
    • The student leader negotiates out any requirements that the vendor’s travel arrangements be made by the student organization or the university, and instead calculates the costs associated with travel into the total amount to be paid to the vendor.
  2. The student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form at least six weeks prior to the date of service or purchase. For simplified agreements, four weeks is sufficient. The leader identifies the full scope of services or sale their organization desires and the total cost associated with the sale or service.
  3. Upon review and approval, the student organization leader receives notification that their request has been approved from Student Organization Financial Support via email. Student Organization Financial Support then works with university personnel to create a draft agreement. This step may take as long as six weeks.
  4. When the Service Agreement is ready, Student Organization Financial Support sends it to the student organization leader via email. Before services may be performed or a sale may occur, the student organization leader must: A) Review the draft Service Agreement for accuracy, communicating with Student Organization Financial Support regarding any errors or omissions; B) Obtain the vendor’s approval via signature; and C) Return the signed Service Agreement to Student Organization Financial Support.
  5. The vendor performs services (or the transaction occurs) as outlined in the agreement. Afterward, the student organization leader communicates with Student Organization Financial Support to confirm that the service or transaction occurred as outlined in the Service Agreement.
  6. Student Organization Financial Support initiates payment to the vendor. The vendor typically receives payment by check within 30 days.

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Electronic Purchase with Student Organization Financial Support Credit Card “P-Card”

The Student Organization Financial Support Credit Card, or P-Card, is an electronic method of purchase initiated to a vendor on behalf of a student organization by SGES Professional Staff. This purchase method allows student leaders to pre-pay for identified items or goods and either ship them to campus or pick them up on site.

Factors to Consider:

  • Total costs may not exceed $4,999 with this method of purchase.
  • P-Card purchases are accepted by most vendors who accept credit cards.
  • This payment method is an excellent choice for purchasing specific online items and for processing electronic invoices directly with a vendor.
  • A brief meeting with Pro Staff to place an online order, particularly an order with more than one component or item, will help ensure accuracy and decrease processing time.
  • The P-Card cannot be used for:
    • Payments to third parties (e.g. GrubHub, InstaCart, Door Dash)
    • Digital fund transfers through platforms such as Venmo, Zelle, Google Pay, and similar
    • Ordering perishable items, such as meals and prepared food
    • On-site purchases
  • Goods purchased with the P-Card must either be picked up by the student organization or shipped by the vendor to the ASUO Suite via standard shipping methods (FedEx, UPS, USPS). A destination exception will be granted for student organizations based on UO’s Portland and Charleston campuses.
  • The organization is responsible for any shipping costs, although Student Organization Financial Support has access to low/no-cost shipping through Amazon Prime.
  • There is generally a seven-business day turnaround for a request for a P-Card transaction to be processed into a purchase once funds are available from a relevant line item within the student organization’s budget. A student organization leader’s failure to respond to a request for a meeting with SGES Professional Staff will delay this timeline.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • Use of the P-Card ensures the purchaser does not bear a personal financial risk or require the purchaser to use their personal funds.
  • This payment method requires the pre-identification of item(s), their cost, any shipping fees, and the calculation of time necessary for any items shipped for them to arrive by a specific date.
  • This payment method cannot be used to make purchases on site.
  • The vendor receives immediate payment, in some cases prior to receipt of goods. The purchaser is responsible for notifying Student Organization Financial Support of any problems with their order with sufficient time to address any issues.

How It Works:

  1. The student organization leader identifies an item they wish to purchase online as well as its cost, the quantity needed, and the vendor. Alternately, a student organization leader obtains an invoice provided to them by a vendor who accepts online payments.  
  2. The student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form. Upon review and approval, they are cc’d on an email from Student Organization Financial Support to SGES Professional Staff which requests that the purchase be made.
    • For complex or lengthy orders, Student Organization Financial Support or the SGES Professional Staff member may request that the student organization leader meet with the SGES Professional Staff member to hand-select the desired items during a brief in-person meeting.
    • In situations where the item(s) identified are no longer available from the vendor, the order will be suspended, and the student organization will be invited to meet with SGES Professional Staff to hand-select the desired items as well as replacement items during a brief in-person meeting.
  3. SGES Professional Staff make the purchase and reply all to the email with confirmation of purchase.
  4. If the purchase involves items to be shipped, the student organization leader authorizing the purchase will be contacted when the items arrive at the ASUO Suite.
  5. If the purchase involves items to be picked up with the vendor, the student organization leader bears responsibility for coordinating pick-up. In such situations, the student organization leader must also turn in an itemized receipt with Student Organization Financial Support which identifies the date that the purchase was received.

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Personal Reimbursement

A Personal Reimbursement is a purchase method by which a student organization member, having paid for an eligible item or goods out of their personal funds, provides an itemized receipt within 30 days of purchase and is reimbursed for the expenditure.

Factors to Consider:

  • This purchase method is the most flexible, as it requires very little advance planning.
  • This purchase method is the highest risk, as it requires the purchaser to pay out of pocket and bear all financial risk.
  • This purchase method is highly discouraged, as an evaluation of whether the purchase adheres to financial rules, policies, and timelines cannot be made until after the purchase is made.
  • This purchase method is only available to university affiliates – individuals who are currently students or who are employed by the university.
  • There is generally a five-business-day turnaround for a request for a personal reimbursement to be processed and sent to business affairs for payment. Business affairs has its own process by which the recipient must be set up in the university system, and this can delay payment for up to ten weeks.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • All financial rules, policies, and timelines will be upheld. Purchases which do not align will not be reimbursed.
  • An itemized receipt is required.
  • Reimbursement requests must be made within 30 days of purchase.
  • The reimbursement process does not begin until after the event occurs.
  • The individual seeking reimbursement may not authorize their own expenditure and must provide written authorization of a second student organization leader who has financial authority.

How It Works:

  1. A student organization member makes a purchase using their personal funds and obtains an itemized receipt. An itemized receipt contains detailed information about the transaction, including separate lines for each item purchased as well as the date, time, store name, price, tax, total, and payment method used.
  2. A Request to Purchase Form is completed, either by the purchaser or by a student organization leader who has financial authority for the student organization.
    • An image of the purchaser’s Student ID card (front and back) must be included with the form.
    • If the individual who made the purchase completes the form, the approval of a different student leader who has financial authority for their student organization must be provided.
    • The request will not be reviewed by Student Organization Financial Support until the expenditure has been authorized.
  3. The requestor includes transactional information and uploads a legible electronic copy of the itemized receipt.
  4. Upon review and approval, the requestor is notified, and the reimbursement is forwarded by Student Organization Financial Support to Business Affairs for processing, which can take as long as ten weeks.

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University Purchase Order “Long Form PO”

A University Purchase Order is a method of purchase involving an official document endorsed by the university which serves as a guarantee of payment when presented to a vendor at the time of purchase. Payment is sent to the vendor after the purchaser turns in their itemized purchase receipt to Student Organization Financial Support.

The University Purchase Order document identifies the terms of the purchase. It details the vendor, the method of delivery, the goods and services, quantities, and estimated cost(s) of the items a student organization has received approval to purchase. All student organization purchase orders identify a maximum purchase amount by including either a total cost or a not to exceed cost.

Factors to Consider:

  • Total costs may not exceed $4,999 with this method of purchase.
  • University Purchase Orders are accepted by all vendors on the commonly used vendors list. A University Purchase Order is legally binding and should be treated like cash.
  • Gratuity may be included on a purchase order, provided it is itemized in advance of purchase and does not exceed 15 percent. Gratuity costs must be calculated into the total cost printed on the purchase order and therefore included in a student organization’s request form.
  • There is generally a five-business-day turnaround for a request for a purchase order to be processed into a document that a student organization can use for their purchase if funds are available from a relevant line item within their budget.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • A purchase order ensures the purchaser does not bear a personal financial risk or require the purchaser to use their personal funds.
  • Use of a purchase order requires the pre-identification of item(s) and their cost in advance.
  • This purchase method upholds a high standard of purchase tracking and makes it easy to track inventory.
  • The purchaser is responsible for turning in an itemized receipt to Student Organization Financial Support after the purchase is made, and the vendor does not receive payment unless/until this occurs.

How It Works:

  1. A student organization leader identifies a vendor who has agreed to participate in the purchase order program and the item(s), quantity, and per item cost that they wish to purchase from the vendor.
  2. The student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form. Upon review and approval, they receive a University Purchase Order from Student Organization Financial Support via email.
  3. Because a physical copy of the University Purchase Order must be presented to the vendor, the student organization leader prints the University Purchase Order or visits Student Organization Financial Support during business hours to obtain a print document.
  4. The student organization leader presents the purchase order to the vendor at the time the purchase is made. The student leader obtains the item(s) purchased, gives the vendor the purchase order, and obtains a receipt.
    • The student leader may “shop” and select goods or food items identified on the purchase order when they are on site.
    • The student leader may arrange with the vendor to deliver the pre-identified items to campus.
    • The student leader must adhere to the items and costs printed on the purchase order and may not make modifications.
  5. After making the purchase, the student organization leader turns in the receipt to Student Organization Financial Support, who initiates payment to the vendor. The vendor typically receives funds within 30 days.

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Paying a University-Affiliated Service Provider

Individuals who are currently or who have been affiliated with the university within the past two years, as employees or students, are considered university affiliates. A student organization may request to pay a university affiliate for the provision of certain services, provided the organization adheres to university policy, state and federal employment law, hiring policies, IRS reporting requirements, and other employment-related requirements. The process of paying a university affiliate for services they provide to a student organization is called Paying a University-Affiliated Service Provider and it is processed through UO Payroll. The process is multi-faceted and requires advance planning, policy navigation, and communication at a very high level of detail and confidentiality.

Only in highly unusual circumstances is this process utilized to pay individuals who are university faculty or staff. Faculty and staff employed with the university have an employment agreement to conduct a specific role. In many situations, they are expected to share their expertise and knowledge with students outside of the classroom without additional compensation for doing so. University policy restricts the use of university funds to supplement the pay of a faculty or staff member for conducting endeavors of relevance to the scope of their position. It is never permissible to pay a faculty or staff member for a service they provide to a student organization which is related to their role or expertise as a faculty or staff member. When a faculty or staff member is invited to participate in an endeavor with a student organization, the student organization leader should make sure they understand their participation is not being compensated. If a faculty or staff member is providing services outside of the scope of their employee agreement, it may be possible to compensate them. The criteria to do so are very narrow and must be vetted well in advance. In the past five years, only one student organization's request to pay a faculty/staff member has met this criterion.

Student organizations may not utilize this method to pay students who are members of their organization, as there is a separate disbursement system called leadership stipends which is designed to reward the leaders of student organizations.

Factors to Consider:

  • Payment must originate from a payroll line item.
  • Payment must be arranged in advance of service. Under no circumstance may a university affiliate be paid for services they have performed in the past.
  • A student organization may not use this method to pay a member of their student organization.
  • Only in highly unusual circumstances may a student organization use this method to pay a university faculty or staff member.
  • A student organization may not use this method to pay a family member or friend, as doing so is an ethics violation.
  • The process is multi-faceted and requires advance planning, policy navigation, and communication at a very high level of detail and confidentiality.
  • Due to employment law requirements, any student organization considering this process must schedule an in-person conversation with Student Organization Financial Support at least six weeks prior to the service being performed.
  • The process will establish an employment relationship. The university affiliate will be required to complete payroll and tax reporting documentation in advance of service. They will also be required to complete a timecard.
  • The amount of pay must conform with university wage rates and hourly wage standards.
  • This process takes six weeks and is extremely time-consuming. Once funds from an allowable line item are available, the student organization leader initiating the request to pay process must collect extensive confidential employment documentation to submit with their request. After completion of the service, the student organization leader must submit documentation outlining the hours worked to initiate payment to the university affiliate.

Highlights and Challenges:

  • Most student organizations do not have payroll line items and will need to seek the authorization of ASUO Student Senate to create one. This can take several weeks.
  • Internal budget transfers into or out of payroll line items are not allowed. Therefore, a student organization who does not have funds in a payroll line item will need to request and receive Surplus Funding for this purpose. This can take several weeks.
  • The university affiliate will be required to complete employment documentation related to tax withholding and nation of origin.
  • Any pay received by university affiliated students via this method may impact their current employment, as the hours worked count toward their weekly hour limitations. Student employees have a 25 hour/week employment cap and Graduate Employees have a unique contract which identifies employment limitations.
  • The financial aid of student recipients may be impacted by this type of pay.
  • Student recipients who are visitors to the United States without a work permit may be impacted by this type of pay.
  • A student recipient with an existing employment contract may be negatively impacted by this type of pay.

How It Works:

  1. At least six weeks prior to an event or activity, a student organization leader initiates a discussion with Student Organization Financial Support to gain knowledge and understanding of the process to pay a university affiliate as well as to vet whether the university affiliate who they are considering paying is eligible to be paid via this method.
    • If the university affiliate they wish to pay is eligible, the student leader should obtain instructions about pay scales and standards as well as a copy of each of the required employment forms necessary to initiate an employment relationship with the university affiliate they wish to pay.
    • If the university affiliate they wish to pay is eligible, the student leader should obtain information about whether their budget has a designated payroll line item with sufficient funding.
  2. If the university affiliate who they wish to pay is eligible to be paid via this method, the student organization leader confirms the proposed terms of the employment and rate of pay with the university affiliate who they wish to pay.
    • If currently employed by the university, the university affiliate being paid should confirm with their employer whether supplemental pay will cause problems with their current employment.
    • If visiting the United States, the university affiliate being paid should confirm that their permission to visit will not be negatively impacted should they accept employment.
    • If the university affiliate being paid is receiving financial aid, they should check with the Financial Aid Office to confirm that their aid status will not be negatively impacted should they accept employment.
  3. When a student organization leader has both an eligible university affiliate they wish to pay as well as the approval of the university affiliate they wish to pay to establish an employment relationship, they may need to request supplemental funding as well as the creation of a payroll line item in their budget.
    • The process to request supplemental funding and the creation of a line item takes several weeks and requires the approval of ASUO Student Senate and the ASUO President.
    • It is highly recommended that the student organization initiate this process at least five weeks prior to the event or activity.
  4. The student organization leader works with the university affiliate they wish to pay to complete all necessary employment forms. These forms are highly confidential and should be treated as such.
  5. When funds from a payroll line item are sufficient and at least three weeks in advance of the event or activity, the student organization leader completes a Request to Purchase Form. All required employment forms must be provided at this time.
  6. Upon review and approval, Student Organization Financial Support will shepherd the Request to Pay to our financial services team who will initiate the payroll process. As the university affiliate is set up in the university payroll system, Student Organization Financial Support will communicate with the student organization leader to resolve any problems that may occur. This process may take up to two weeks.
  7. The university affiliate performs services as agreed to. Often, they also complete a timecard and give it to the student organization leader.
  8. After the service is provided, the student organization leader confirms that the university affiliate completed the service and submits their timecard. Payment will not be initiated until this step is completed.
  9. The university affiliate receives employment pay in alignment with university schedules, typically this is near to the end of a calendar month.

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Additional Considerations for Purchases of Prepared Food; Groceries, Snacks, Goods; and Apparel or Branded Items

Type of Purchase Additional Considerations
Prepared Food Purchases for pick-up by student org or for delivery to an on-campus event to be consumed at an org-sponsored event or activity
Ex: Pizza from Track Town Pizza
  • Prepared food must be consumed at an on-campus activity or event. Event may not occur in a private venue such as a personal residence or at a restaurant.
  • Event must be open to all students and advertised at least seven days in advance.
  • A Catering Waiver is required to purchase prepared food.
  • Vendor may not serve the food or provide on-site service at your activity or event with this method of purchase.
  • Activity where food is served may not be a meeting, must last at least two hours, and is subject to additional requirements outlined in UO Meeting Rules.
  • Student organization may add up to 15-percent gratuity.
  • Delivery Services (e.g., Grubhub or Door Dash) are not allowed.
  • Restaurant Resolution prevents student organizations from use of Incidental Funds for dining on site at restaurants.
Purchases of Groceries, Snacks, or Goods which support or are consumed at an organization-sponsored event or activity
Ex: Apples and Pocky Chocolate from Sunrise Market
Ex: Streamers from Hirons
  • Groceries or snacks must be consumed at an activity or event.
  • Goods must be used to support an activity or event.
  • A Catering Waiver is required to purchase perishable groceries and snacks.
  • Delivery Services (e.g., Grubhub, Instacart, Door Dash) are not allowed.
  • Duplicates of items available for check-out at no cost from the CSI Duck Nest Supply Center are disallowed.
  • Items purchased using Incidental Funds become University property and are subject to inventory requirements. Multi-use equipment that may be of value to other student organizations will be sent to the CSI Duck Nest Supply Center after the purchasing organization’s first use.
Purchases of Apparel or Branded Items which support an organization-sponsored event or activity
Ex: ASUO Street Faire Volunteer T-Shirts from Threadbare Print House
  • Items purchased must be used to support an activity or event.
  • Design may not violate UO trademark or copyright restrictions.
  • A recipient list with ID numbers is required and the total value of received items may not exceed $50 per person.
  • Student organization must provide final invoice to Student Organization Financial Support when items are received.