Contact Us

General inquiries: 541-346-3724 |
Student Organization Financial Support: 541-346-0626 |
ASUO Student Organization Leadership Support: 541-346-0627 |
Student Advocacy Program: 541-346-3722 |

ASUO services are open:

  • Monday–Thursday: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
  • Friday: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

ASUO services are closed during spring break, winter break, university holidays, and EMU building closures.

Officials' Office Hours

Student official availability varies by week and term. See the office hours schedule to find out when an official is available.

Office Hours


ASUO officers and staff members assist with dozens of types of inquiries, including but not limited to:

  • Leadership support and trainings for ASUO Officers and ASUO-recognized student organization leaders
  • Assistance and support to ASUO during the budget process
  • Financial support for ASUO-recognized student organizations, including budgetary information, purchase orders, spending requests, and contracts
  • Stipend and travel processing on behalf of ASUO-recognized student organizations
  • Inquiries about the Incidental Fee and ASUO’s history
  • Inquiries about ASUO executive branch activity, such as campaigns, student organization recognition, and student appointment opportunities
  • Inquiries about ASUO legislative branch activity, such as senate hearings, budget requests, and meetings with a senator
  • Street Faire inquiries and registration